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Admin requests

Want to become admin on the server? Apply here!


  • In order to apply, you must have User group, which is given automatically after 5 days of registration,
  • Read the server rules,
  • Minimum age is 16 years (exceptions possible),
  • Activity on the server,
  • Having a working microphone,
  • Good contact with the administration,
  • High level of personal culture,
  • Willingness to help others,
  • Ability to create channels, giving ranks and groups, possible editing channels,
  • Active participation in the life of the server, such as participation in games, giving proposals for the server,
  • Clean forum account, without warns.


  • Keeping order on the server,
  • Punishing players for not following the rules,
  • Helping users on the server,
  • Getting down to the help center,
  • Assign ranks,
  • Be active on the server,
  • Observe server activities.


Additional information: 

  • If you do NOT meet the requirements do NOT apply!
  • Application processing time is 7 days
  • You can reapply at least 7 days after the previous application was rejected.



Your nickname on TS3:
Client UID:
Knowledge of TS3 on a scale of 0/10:
Experience (have you been an admin, etc.):
Why you? (tell us something about yourself):
What would you bring to the server?
Do you have a working microphone [yes/no]:


TeamSpeak familiarity scale:

  1. You have no idea what Admin is all about on TS,
    You can add/remove a channel and a rank,
    You can add/remove channels and ranks. You know how to change a channel's settings in every possible way and how to create a channel description in various ways, 
    You can add/remove channels and ranks. You can change the channel settings and create descriptions for a channel in different ways and you have good command on channel names (walk etc.),
    You can add/remove channels and ranks. You can change a channel's settings in every possible way and create a description of the channel in different ways and you have good command of the channel name (walkthrough etc.). You can create a rank, including setting permissions for that rank,
    You can almost perfectly create a TeamSpeak server from scratch without bots,
    You can create a TeamSpeak server from scratch with bots,
    You can create a TeamSpeak server from scratch with bots and change the server settings via FTP. You are also familiar with TeamSpeak settings, and can help users with any TeamSpeak 3 related problem,
    You are able to create a TeamSpeak server from scratch with Bots and change the server settings via FTP. And you can change TeamSpeak settings via folder. You are able to help users if they have any problem related to all TeamSpeak (TeamSpeak 3, TeamSpeak for Android, IOS etc.),
    You are able to perfectly create a TeamSpeak server from scratch with bots and change server settings via FTP. And you can change TeamSpeak settings via folder. You are able to help users if they have any problem related to all TeamSpeak (TeamSpeak 3, TeamSpeak Android, IOS etc.). You are able to/are more or less learning how to create custom Bots for TeamSpeak server.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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